Non-Nested Multiresolution Analysis
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Overview: Most of the work presented here was done during my PhD Thesis at the LMC-IMAG, Joseph Fourier university in Grenoble, France. The main topic of the thesis is the use of wavelet techniques for level-of-detail visualization of complex functions defined over triangulations. One of the contribution of this work is the definition of the Non-Nested Multiresolution Analysis setting, which provides a MR framework where the scaling spaces don't need to be nested, as opposed to classical MRA. This makes it possible to handle highly non-regular triangulations which do not have subdivision connectivity.
The thesis and some of the related papers are available below.
Keywords: wavelets, multiresolution analysis, approximation, visualization, triangular meshes, subdivision schemes.
Illustration Analyse Multirésolution Non Emboîtée: Applications à la visualisation scientifique.
Alexandre Gerussi, PhD thesis in Applied Mathematics, LMC-IMAG, Joseph Fourier university, Grenoble, France, december 2000, 160 pages.
Illustration Analysis of Scalar Data on Multiresolution Geometric Models.
Alexandre Gerussi, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Curve and Surface Fitting; St Malo 99, Albert Cohen, Christophe Rabut, and Larry L. Schumaker (eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, ISBN 0-8265-1357-3, p. 209-218, 2000
(with a talk given at the 4th international conference Curves And Surfaces, Saint-Malo, 1-7 July 1999.)
Illustration Level of detail visualization of scalar data sets on irregular surface meshes.
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Alexandre Gerussi, IEEE Visualization'98 Conference Proceedings, p. 73-77, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
Illustration Hierarchical decomposition of datasets on irregular surface meshes.
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Alexandre Gerussi, Computer Graphics International'98 Conference Proceedings, p. 59-63, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
(with a talk at the conference)
Last update: April 24, 2001
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